Meeting of SEC Advisory Committee
2014 may be drawing to a close, but the movement to redefine an Accredited Investor only continues to pick up speed. The current definition requires an individual to earn $200,000 in salary ($300,000 if married) or to have a $1 million net worth. However a frequent topic of debate within the crowdfunding community is exactly how many Americans qualify as Accredited Investors. On December 17, Rachita Gullapalli of the Division of Economic & Risk Analysis (DERA) addresses this question with a slide deck presentation on the U.S. Accredited Investor Pool.
The regulations currently in place limit the current number of Accredited Investors to about 8.8 million, however that statistic is likely to change in the coming year, when the SEC revisits and finalizes the language in Titles III and IV of the JOBS Act. It is expected that when final rules are established that the average investor will become eligible for accredation.